Wednesday, October 24, 2012

SOA and the late night munchies

So I realized tonight that I had begun this blog, posted once, then led you all to believe that romance was dead to me by not posting ever again! Well the truth is that I've been very busy, and I mean busy. Hubba Hubba and I'm pregnant again. Seems like we took my advice very well. Regardless of my free time dwindling, I will try to blog more often to show you that romance lives on!

SOA and the late night munchies.

I begin by suggesting that you find a series that you both enjoy, and make a nightly, or several nights of the week at least, series watching extravaganza. Make some of your favorite munchies and settle in for a night of blissed out entertainment in each others arms. Not only will you have something new to talk about together, but it could link you to others outside the home. GASP. Forgotten about other people did you?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dinner for Two

When you have children, there can very little time to eat a meal, especially minus the heartburn. So my first suggestion, is find someone to watch your child, or children for dinner time. Then take your time creating your favorite meal, enjoy slowly, and relax and let it settle. Allowing time to remember what things were like when you have the chance to finish a meal and have a full conversation about your day with other half. Finish with desert, and you are now prepared to combat the kiddies now.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So I thought to myself, I need to practice my writing. What better way than to blog? I wanted to do something centralized on parenting, but how cliche is that? So I decided, less about the kids and more about the parents. Specifically, the romance. Or for many parents, the lack of. With the economy the way it is right now, it can be hard to get babysitters and to comfortably spend money on yourself without feeling like you're breaking the bank, so for all the mothers and fathers out there who are sweating at the mere mention of romance and spending frivolously this is for you and me.